There are many brands recognized as a sign of distinction and elegance. One of the aspects that characterize a brand is the quality of its garments, as well as its exclusive products, its originality and its prices. Choosing a brand is choosing a philosophy or a way of life in many cases. Talking about the best brands in the world is not just talking about their prices; it refers to modernity, elegance, exclusivity…
Are the brand clothes of better quality?
Surely on more than one occasion you have asked yourself if really high-end products are worth what they charge for them. The price of a garment does not only depend on the quality of the product. You must take into account another series of factors that influence the price is higher or lower.
When a brand already has a recognized name, putting its stamp implies a increase in the final price .But other factors must also be taken into account. For example, the fabric, labour, transport and marketing make the same product have different prices.
The benefits of dressing up with luxury brands
Everyone knows that there are certain occasions in the professional life in which it is convenient to go well dressed, for example, to a job interview, a negotiation to get a contract or a visit to a client. This is intended to give a good image to help achieve the objective pursued. Well, the chances of success increase if one wears luxurious clothes like 14k Gold Forever Button T-Shirt, with marks that the other party can identify. This is the conclusion of the study titled Social benefits of brand logos in presentation of self in cross and same gender influence contexts, published in the Journal of Business Research.
Luxury brands have many advantages, over time you will realize that it is an investment for its durability, comfort, care of finishes, the quality of materials, this can take you not only to clothing, but to everything which is related to the accessories of your clothing: quality footwear, fine jewellery, watch, wallet, belt, handbags, etc.
Considering that what leads a brand to be luxury is its exclusivity, for this reason not all give discounts to the public, therefore, my recommendation is, always acquire the best possible quality without affecting your finances, most importantly, never buy something that is not original, because it shows in the finishes and the quality of the materials. If it is a luxury product, it has guarantees, a certificate of authenticity, which can become a piece which increases its value because it can be passed on from generation to generation.