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PEACE LOVE WORLD–A clothing range like none other

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What is it that comes to your mind when you read the name; Peace Love World? Something compassionate, worldly benefitting yet giving you a fulfilling peace isn’t it? Peace Love World Is a clothing brand, build with an appreciable compassion of spreading positive vibes and empowerment among the people. This clothing range is sworn for making clothes that are not just fashionable desirable, but also of high values given their outright and savage quotes printed on their clothes.

Image result for PEACE LOVE WORLD--A clothing range like none other

It is not an unknown fact that everything big starts with an idea that comes from a revolutionary ideology. Remarkably, the clothing range is based on the mere fact of spreading powerful messages to the world. All her clothes are festooned by revolutionary quotes about women empowerment and awareness in general. The idea behind Peace Love World is to spread the only thing that all of us hideously desire to have, that is to love, be loved and stay happy. The clothing range took to its canvas of clothes in wake of the growing desire to be happy and feel the love. Thus, the clothes that are made with love and to feel the love are a new definition of the meaning of fashion.

Visit the Web site to have a look of the new collection

Have a look at their website by visiting the link– to treat your eyes with some really meaningful fashion which is trendy yet of great significance. The Peace Love World has been creating a fashion moment among the celeb lives and huge collaborations; including Kylie Jenner strutting on the streets flexing her Peace Love World outfits or collaborations with Coca-Cola industries, to name a few. This clothing range is an epitome of love infused with the voice of world to come together and spread happiness.